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Auburn Sentinel

PCF Makes Grant to Gather Faith Based Leaders ​on Need for Affordable Housing

Dec 20, 2024 03:45PM ● By Placer Community Foundation
Jill Shook presenting at 'Making Affordable Housing Happen: A Biblical Focus from Advocacy to Zoning'. Photo Courtesy of Placer Community Foundation. 

Auburn, CA (MPG) - Our community is stronger when we come together to support one another. The affordable housing crisis in our region has touched so many lives, and we’re working to unite in finding solutions.​

As part of our 10-year Affordable Housing Strategic Plan, PCF made a grant to the local nonprofit, Placer People of Faith Together to host an event that gathered the greater faith community together on the issue of affordable housing.

Held in Placer County’s Health and Human Services Building in Auburn on Oct. 18th, the event entitled Making Affordable Housing Happen: A Biblical Focus from Advocacy to Zoning, gathered over 80 Placer County and regional faith community members in a discussion led by Jill Shook.

Considered an expert on affordable housing, Jill is editor of the book “Making Affordable Housing Happen.” Core to the discussion was sharing options available, one of which is looking at zoning of affordable housing on city, county, congregational and nonprofit college land.

The Regional Housing Needs Allocations (RHNA) estimate Placer County is 7,419 housing units short of meeting state requirements.

“Today’s forum aims to address one of many ​tools we can explore to address our housing ​shortfall,” stated Veronica Blake, CEO of Placer ​Community Foundation. “This issue requires ​great collaboration, creativity and perseverance.​ I’m proud we all could come together on this effort ​to foster a compassionate and supportive community.”​

Reverend Cliff Haggenjos, Pastor of St. John’s ​Episcopal Church of Roseville shared with attendees, ​“We are all aware of the need for affordable housing. The idea of bringing together governmental support, private support, nonprofits working in this area, and the churches, provides a synergy where we can all look for solutions as opposed to reacting to problems.”