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Auburn Sentinel

Public Health recognizes Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

Oct 21, 2024 12:58PM ● By Placer County News Release

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - Placer County Public Health is joining partners across the state in recognizing Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week from Oct. 20-26. The statewide campaign, which this year has the theme 'There's lead in that? Learn about sources of lead in consumer products,' will include fact sheets, webinars and other educational materials about childhood lead poisoning.

Staff with the county's Childhood Lead Prevention Program partner with local businesses and community-based organizations to promote awareness of lead poisoning, and also work to assist families whose children have high blood lead levels determine the source and assess how to prevent future exposure.

"The purpose of this campaign is to remind parents that lead poisoning can be detrimental to young children's health and development. It's important for parents to ask their child's doctor about blood lead testing," said Dr. Rob Oldham, the county's interim health officer.

Lead poisoning can seriously affect a child's brain and nervous system. It can cause learning and behavioral problems. A blood lead test is the only way to identify lead poisoning in children. Children who receive services from Medi-Cal are eligible for free testing. Private health insurance plans also usually pay for the test.

One way to protect your family from lead is to emphasize good nutrition. Eating healthy meals and snacks can help keep your child safe from lead. Baked or broiled foods, leaner cuts of meat and more fresh fruits and vegetables are all good options. 

In California, children can be exposed to lead by ingesting lead-contaminated dust, paint chips from deteriorating lead-based paint in pre-1978 housing and lead-contaminated soil. Other sources of lead poisoning include lead dust brought home on parents' work clothes, certain imported ceramic pottery, painted objects, traditional home remedies, traditional cosmetics, and imported spices, candies and other food products. Additionally, activities that involve lead products such as soldering, making stained glass and handling bullets or fishing sinkers can put children at risk. 

Everyone is encouraged to get involved with Lead Week by participating in events and sharing these resources about preventing childhood lead poisoning. To learn more about lead poisoning and how to prevent lead exposure, visit the CLPPB's Frequently Asked Questions.

To connect with the county's lead prevention program and request educational materials or ask questions, call 800-829-7199.