Placer County Conservation Program Receives $5.39 Million in State and Federal Grants
Aug 16, 2024 03:50PM ● By Placer County News Release
Pictured here is part of the Riosa Redwing Ranch. Photo courtesy of Placer County
AUBURN, CA (MPG) - After receiving over $6.5 million in grant funds to acquire the southern 560 acres of the Riosa Redwing Ranch in 2022, the Placer County Conservation Program (PCCP) was additionally awarded over $5.39 million to purchase the remaining 430 acres of the Riosa Redwing Ranch.
The Placer Conservation Authority (a joint powers authority formed to administer the PCCP) closed escrow on the northern portion of the Riosa Redwing Ranch property on August 6, 2024. The property is connected to other conservation land east of Sheridan.
“The acquisition of the north half of Redwing Ranch along with other neighboring PCCP and Placer Legacy lands represent a very large and contiguous block of approximately 3,000 acres of protected agriculture, open space, wetlands, stream, and species habitat,” said Placer County District 2 Supervisor Shanti Landon.
Placer County contributed $400,000 from Placer Legacy – the county’s open space and agricultural protection program - towards the purchase of the northern portion of the Redwing Ranch property. This was combined with a $4.28 million federal grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Section 6 Land Conservation Fund and a $1.1 million state grant from the California Wildlife Conservation Board for the $5.79 million total purchase price of the property.
“These grants have been a great opportunity to advance the goals of the PCCP, which will protect and conserve land and natural habitats for future generations” said PCCP Administrator Gregg McKenzie “with significant leveraging of local funds, the state and federal grants covered about 93% of the cost for the acquisitions.”
All 990 acres of the Riosa Redwing Ranch will be permanently protected as conservation land that contributes to protecting sensitive species and their habitat, wetlands, grazing land for cattle, and open space.
Riosa Redwing Ranch natural resources include approximately 1.6 linear miles of Yankee Slough, and over 270 acres of wetlands, vernal pools, and other aquatic resources.
The property also has suitable habitat for 20 special status species, and occupied habitat by two state threatened birds – Swainson’s hawk and California Black Rail – and state species of concern Tricolored Blackbird.
For more information on Placer Legacy and PCCP, click here.
To access an interactive map of PCCP conserved land, click here.