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Auburn Sentinel

Placer County Health & Human Services Launches New Campaign to Promote Perinatal Substance Use Services

May 07, 2024 02:56PM ● By County of Placer News Release

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - This year, Mother’s Day (May 12) happens to also be the first day of National Prevention Week, which promotes substance misuse prevention and positive mental health. In tandem with these dual observances, Placer County Health and Human Services is launching a new campaign to promote its perinatal substance use services for expectant and new mothers.

The new initiative – with a theme of “They are worth it. You are worth it.” –  features real stories from Placer County mothers and aims to spotlight the importance of treatment in ensuring healthy outcomes for both mothers and children.

Using drugs or alcohol during pregnancy presents significant risks to maternal and fetal health, yet shame and stigma can prevent many mothers from seeking help. Nationwide data from SAMHSA shows that drug overdose mortality for pregnant and postpartum people increased approximately 81 percent from 2017 to 2020. With that understanding, HHS is rolling out a multifaceted campaign designed to reach expectant and new mothers, families and healthcare professionals.

Perinatal substance use services are available to Placer residents who are pregnant, have children under 17, and/or are attempting to regain custody of children while trying to address substance use. The program primarily serves those with Medi-Cal or who are uninsured.

"Our perinatal substance use team has grown and we can now see double the number of clients we would’ve been able to see a few years back," said Amy Ellis, director of Placer County’s Adult System of Care. "These clients receive free, extensive and personalized support to help them on their journey, from childcare and transportation to different treatment options. We try to create a judgment-free network of support.”

There are no out-of-pocket treatment costs for perinatal clients, and interested residents can call 1-888-886-5401 or attend a free screening clinic to learn more about the program.

The new campaign will feature a variety of outreach efforts, including a new website at; flyers and brochures; and a promotional video along with accompanying shorter public service announcements which will run on YouTube and other social media platforms.  Advertisements will be placed strategically in medical offices and other key settings.

Additionally, the county will hold an informational lunch and learn webinar on May 20 for providers and interested community members to hear about the program and ask questions. Register for the webinar here. HHS is working closely with local healthcare professionals to better integrate referral processes into prenatal care settings, ensuring that patients receive the assistance they need promptly. Providers interested in receiving materials can email [email protected].

“As Mother’s Day approaches we invite the community in joining us to raise awareness and foster a culture of care and support for mothers and their children,” Ellis said.

For more information about perinatal substance use services and the campaign, please visit