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Auburn Sentinel

Placer County launches new anti-litter campaign to keep North Lake Tahoe clean

Sep 14, 2022 12:00AM ● By Placer County News Release

The bins feature colorful graphics - a trio of dancing trash cans and the MRF monster. Photo courtesy Placer County

TAHOE CITY, CA (MPG) - Placer County launched a new public awareness campaign in early September 2022 to help keep trash and litter from polluting Kings Beach and Tahoe City in North Lake Tahoe.

Using eye-catching visuals, the campaign encourages people to toss all of their trash into one public bin, which is consistent with the successful One-Big-Bin program.

The campaign educates people that all solid waste, including recyclables, is collected in one bin and then sorted later at the Eastern Regional Materials Recovery Facility, also known as “the MRF.”

“This awareness campaign is increasingly important as our North Lake Tahoe communities have experienced a major uptick in litter pollution,” said Placer County Board of Supervisors Chair and District 5 Supervisor Cindy Gustafson. “It’s important for people, especially visitors, to understand that they can toss trash and recycling into any trashcan and we’ll take care of the rest.” 

Trash bins used to be divided and labeled “trash” and “recycle” on each side, which resulted in bins overflowing with refuse on the trash side of the bin while leaving the recycle labeled side empty.

The updated trash bins are now labeled “anything” and “everything”, and placed throughout Kings Beach and Tahoe City, which are heavily trafficked tourist areas.

The bins feature colorful graphics - a trio of dancing trash cans and the MRF monster.