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Auburn Sentinel

We Can Do It - Together! Inspiring Girls in STEM

Sep 08, 2022 12:00AM ● By Aerospace Museum of CA News Release

STEM mentors from the St. Francis High School Genesis Robotics Team and student mentors from Echelon Catapult at the Aerospace Museum of California in McClellan. Photo courtesy of the Aerospace Museum of California

We Can Do It - Together! Inspiring Girls in STEM [3 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

MCCLELLAN, CA (MPG) - On Saturday, September 24, 2022, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., the Aerospace Museum of California will host the second annual We Can Do It - Together! - Inspiring Girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

This event is a perfect opportunity for families and youth organizations with middle school and high school-age girls to meet and learn from Sacramento area women role models who will share their journey in STEM. Students and families will be able to connect with diverse women in a variety of STEM careers at our meet and greet table talks, as well as participate in fun STEM-based demonstrations, activities, and scavenger hunts.

Linda Martin, the Aerospace Museum of California’s Board President stated, “As a former Associate Superintendent, I know how important it is to inspire our young people, especially girls, with engaging hands-on STEM education. Our Museum’s upcoming event We Can Do It - Together: Inspiring Girls in STEM pays homage to Rosie the Riveter, who became an iconic symbol and inspiration to women, who stepped up and took on previously male-dominated roles in factories during World War II.

“Today, we aim to inspire another generation of women to explore, discover and dream of a career in STEM. Currently, women are underrepresented in STEM careers, accounting for only 27% of the workforce. This makes our Museum’s incredibly important mission all the more relevant. We believe that fun and engaging hands-on experiences in STEM learning will spark interest and passion, and events like We Can Do It - Together will help connect young girls with role models and explore future careers opportunities.” 

The Aerospace Museum of California is pleased to host dozens of professional women in diverse fields and backgrounds to be STEM/STEAM role models for this event. Students and families will be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in their life, and share what they have learned from their experiences. Career path information will be available as well as interactive demonstrations and fun hands-on STEM-based activities and experiments such as parachute engineering, rocket launching and so much more! 

Partners for the event are SMUD, the San Juan Unified School District, Girl Scouts, UC Davis (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department), Echelon Catapults, the St. Francis High School Robotics team and the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael.

We invite families and youth organizations to help these girls to imagine their dreams and help them take flight. Family/Group tickets are $10 for up to 6 people. Please see our website for more information:

About the Aerospace Museum of California (AMC)
Explore, discover, and be inspired by aviation and aerospace history. With a 40,000 square foot exhibit hall, over 40 aircraft and rockets, a 4-acre outdoor Air Park, incredible traveling exhibits, and free parking families can engage with our STEM activities for all ages and let their imagination soar. A Smithsonian Affiliate and member of North American Reciprocal Museum Associate®, the Aerospace Museum is truly a place where dreams take flight! Learn more at: