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Auburn Sentinel

California Republican Party Endorses Cathy Cook for Assembly District 6

May 13, 2022 12:00AM ● By Cathy Cook for Assembly 2022

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) – Cathy Cook, Republican Candidate for State Assembly District 6, announced her campaign has been endorsed by the California Republican Party and the Sacramento County Republican Party.

Jessica Millan Patterson, Chair of the California Republican Party (CRP), released the following statement:

“As chairwoman of the CRP, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that our Board of Directors has voted to endorse you, at our recent Board meeting, for the 6th Assembly District. Thank you for all that you have done and all that you will do on behalf of the California Republicans.”

In addition, Betsy Mahan, Chair of the Sacramento County Republican Party (SacGOP), released the following statement in support of Cathy Cook for Assembly: “Sacramento voters are living with the repercussions of representation by out-of-touch legislators like Kevin McCarty. Cathy Cook understands that the gas tax needs to be reduced, criminals need to be held accountable, parents know what’s best for their kids, our farmers need water to grow our food, and the homeless need real solutions, not slogans to lift them up. Cathy Cook is the leader that voters need in Assembly District 6.

Cathy Cook is pleased to receive the support of the county and state Republican Party. She will be a strong voice for our middle-class families to improve their quality of life and hold down their taxes.  She will bring new energy and a positive, cooperative attitude to the Assembly.  It’s time to elect a candidate with a lifetime record of integrity and willingness to solve problems impacting our community.  She is up to this challenge and asks for your support. Cathy Cook will fight to keep California Safe and Affordable.

For additional information please visit our campaign website at:

Facebook: Cathy Cook for Assembly