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Auburn Sentinel

Placer County Planning Commission seeks to fill vacant at-large seat representing east of Sierra Crest

Mar 16, 2022 12:00AM ● By County of Placer news release

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - Placer County is looking to fill a vacancy for the at-large Planning Commission seat representing areas east of the Sierra Crest. Full- and part-time residents of that area who’d like to get involved in the county’s land development and zoning efforts are encouraged to apply.

The Placer County Board of Supervisors in February approved an ordinance amendment permitting at-large commissioners to reside in their respective areas part-time - providing the board more flexibility to draw from a larger candidate pool in future appointments.

Previously, an at-large member was required to live in their designated area full-time.

The Planning Commission is the principal advisory body to the Placer County Board of Supervisors on planning and related matters. Responsibilities of the commission include holding public hearings; making recommendations on proposed general plans, studies and zoning text amendments; reviewing and making decisions on major land development proposals; and encouraging resident leadership and participation in the planning process.

The commission is composed of seven members, one from each of the five Placer County supervisorial districts and two at-large members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Each member serves a four-year term.

Interested candidates may complete an application and return it to the Clerk of the Board, 175 Fulweiler Avenue, in Auburn, 95603.