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Auburn Sentinel

Placer Supervisors increase Planning Commission at-large candidate pool

Feb 15, 2022 12:00AM ● By By Scott Sandow, Placer County

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - The Placer County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted to allow more flexibility for at-large appointments to the Placer County Planning Commission.

The Planning Commission advises the Board of Supervisors on land use planning and consists of seven members; two at-large members, and five members representing a supervisorial district.

The approved ordinance amendment will permit at-large commissioners to reside in their respective area part-time in Placer - providing the board more flexibility to draw from a larger candidate pool in future appointments.

Previously, an at-large member was required to live in their designated area full-time.

The at-large seats consist of one member residing east of the Sierra Crest in the county and the other residing west of Sierra Crest. Recruiting for the east candidate has consistently been more challenging, staff reported, as the full-time resident population of this area is less than 14,000 - a small fraction of the county’s more than 400,000 total population.

The at-large members can be nominated by any supervisor and are appointed to the Planning Commission by a majority vote of the board. 

Learn more about the Planning Commission at the Placer County website, here: