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Auburn Sentinel

Free online job training now available through the Placer County Library

Feb 15, 2022 12:00AM ● By Scott Sandow, Placer County

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - Placer County Library patrons can now access free online job training at all Placer County libraries and the Placer County Library Services website.

The California State Library recently announced the award of a $4.3 million American Rescue Plan Act grant to provide libraries across the state access to online job training, skill-building, academic and vocational exam prep, as well as professional development in multiple languages for a variety of skill levels. 

Through this program, patrons can access Coursera, GetSetUp, LearningExpress, LinkedIn Learning, Northstar, and Skillshare at no cost.

These online resources expand the digital workforce platform offerings at the Placer County Library and allow patrons to walk into the library (or visit the Placer County Library website), participate in online classes, take practice exams, learn new skills, and more, all for free.

“I hope our community finds these online resources useful, informative, transformative, and fun,” said Placer County Library Services Director Mary George. “The library is here to help. If you are getting back on your feet or finding your next chapter please take a look.

“Let your library surprise you. One click could save you time and money. We are extremely grateful to the California State Library and ARPA funds for allowing us to add these valuable resources.”

Coursera’s more than 5,000 online classes, Skillshare’s 35,000 videos, GetSetUp’s interactive classes, and LinkedIn Learning’s suite of courses represent a savings of over $1,000 per year per user.

The resources available at Placer County Library aid in personal economic development, encourage communities of lifelong learners, increase digital equity, and support the information needs of 21st-century society.

These and other resources are available at the Placer County Library website at

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the primary source of federal support for the nation’s libraries and museums.

IMLS advances, supports and empowers America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research and policy development.