Supervisors appoint Cindy Gustafson new board chair
Jan 17, 2022 12:00AM ● By Placer County News ReleaseAUBURN, CA (MPG) - District 5 Supervisor Cindy Gustafson has been selected by her fellow board members to take the helm as the new chair of the Placer County Board of Supervisors, replacing District 2 Supervisor Robert Weygandt. The annual rotation is a tradition for the board and takes place during the first meeting of each new year.
“I am honored to step into this position,” said Gustafson. “Our board functions extremely well and our residents are highly engaged. Those are the two main ingredients necessary for successful governance and I feel confident this experience will be a positive one.”
The board also named District 3 Supervisor Jim Holmes as vice-chair of the board to fill in for Gustafson when she is absent from a meeting.
The chair is responsible for managing the meetings to ensure proper procedures are followed and facilitating public comment. Setting agenda priorities and acting as spokesperson for the board are also important responsibilities of this position.
“I anticipate this will continue to be a challenging time for leadership,” said Gustafson. “The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a tremendous amount of community engagement thanks to the convenience of virtual meetings, and also much more divisiveness. I intend to continue our county’s efforts to model and request a tone of civility to ensure a welcoming environment that encourages community engagement in our public meeting process”
The Placer County Board of Supervisors meets regularly at 9 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 175 Fulweiler Avenue in Auburn. The meetings are open to the public but residents are encouraged to participate remotely through Zoom to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.