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Auburn Sentinel

Senate Republicans Respond to California Democrats' Economic Stimulus Plan

Jul 31, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Jacqui Nguyen, California Senate Republicans

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - The statement below is in response to California Democrats' $100 billion proposed Economic Stimulus Package:

"These summaries are broad strokes and some may sound appealing - but when it comes to California Democrats' proposals, the devil is always in the details. Consider what they have done since the start of this pandemic. California Democrats have allowed an increase in the gas tax during one of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression; they've spent billions of dollars on homeless, only to see the situation worsen; ever-changing small business directives and guidelines; and are putting at risk the safety of every California resident by allowing 18,000 convicted felons back into our communities." - California Senate Republican Caucus