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Auburn Sentinel

JAILBREAK! Gavin is Releasing 18,000 Criminals onto Our Streets

Jul 22, 2020 12:00AM ● By Orange County Republicans Press Release

ORANGE COUNTY, CA (MPG) - Governor Newsom is releasing roughly 18,000 convicted criminals into our communities.

In what the Newsom administration calls "decompression measures" the Los Angeles Times reports that 10,000 criminals have been released and an additional 8,000 will be released by the end of August.

This move places every California family in danger. In Orange County a public warning was sent by District Attorney Todd Spitzer and Orange County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Michelle Steel regarding the release of Cary Jay Smith into the community of Costa Mesa. Smith has admitted to killing three children and claims to have molested 200 children while very publicly claiming he has no hesitation to do it again.

He is only one of 18,000 dangerous criminals the Democrats will release.

It is unconscionable that the Democrats while advocating for defunding the police would place an additional burden on local police departments and cities already struggling due to the Governor’s erratic shut down orders.

The Republican Party is the party of Law and Order. We support our men and women of law enforcement and stand with Orange County residents' rights to be safe in their homes. The Democrat Party is rabidly seeking to defund police departments and Governor Newsom is using Covid-19 as an excuse to ignore his most basic responsibility of keeping Californians safe.